Changes in Latitudes and Attitudes

– Art- the care and feeding is simply a nail in the wall. There’s so many lesser Demps out there, one can forget that he’s done some very nice painting. I love how he captures the motion of the wind. WILLIE DANIELS 1951 – Sept 19th, 2021 Willie and Johnny were brothers. . A Chico Wheeler. […]

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Meridian and Bayliner Pilothouse Motor Yachts history and updates

$ This site is now just historical information   The pinnacle of ALL Yacht Manufacturing was in 1989. Then there was the 2008 -2011 recession that finished off most American large boat builders. Machines and us humans getting OLD being my point.  Have your dockage an insurance lined up BEFORE you start boat hunting.   […]

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Yachts Sold

     I’ve sold more than forty (40) Bayliner 4788’s,  three 5788’s. two 5288’s. five Meridian 580’s , One Meridian 540, four 490’s (not many new 490’s ever came east) three Meridian 459’s  PLUS many other marques and models such as big Mare’s Power Cats, 61′ Navigator, several Hartman Palmer power boats and motorsailers,  Hatteras (plural) both […]

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Meridian and Bayliner Pilothouse Motoryachts FOR Sale/Sold Historical Information

Bayliner Pilothouse and Meridian Pilothouse Motor Yachts are my specialties. I reckon I’ve sold more of the big ones than any other individual Yacht Broker in the world. I’m considered to be the expert on them, and have a page here on this site dedicated to their history and updates.


You are the most professional broker I have ever spoken to. If I have any reason to use a broker in the future or have call to recommend one, it will certainly be you. No BS, just the real deal. – John Koch - Meridian 490 - Miami/Indiana
Blake sold my 45 P/H for me. He is knowlegable, direct and outspoken. He lists and SELLS P/H boats. He has all the resources to assist the sale. You want action, he will get you the most bang for the buck in the shortest time. – John Lynch Michigan - Bayliner 4788
Blake is the most knowledgeable and experienced broker on Bayliner and Meridian Pilothouse Yachts in the country. You can totally rely on his guidance! – Scott Grody
Blake was the selling Broker when I purchased my 4788. Not only did he help me throughout the purchase of the 4788, he also helped me sell my previous boat. In our pre purchase discussions, I felt he gave me a truthful overview as to the condition of the boat I was looking at. He also gave me a realistic assessment of the boating market at the time. I found his message was the straight goods, not what i wanted to here. I have spoken to other people that have used Blake’s services and all have spoken highly of their dealings with him. If you are looking for a knowledgeable, colourful straight shooter then call Blake, if you are looking for someone who is going to paint a pretty picture, call someone else. – Carlo Weickert - Sea Bee - Halifax, Nova Scotia
I got more than I expected, this yacht is totally equipped and in condition better than one could had hoped for. – Aussie Malcom - Bayliner 4788 & 5788 (both bought sight unseen) - New Zealand
Sea Lady arrived early last week. She is great. Thank you for all your work. We unloaded her and had a couple of nights on board at a marina in Brisbane and then took her down to the Gold Coast and lifted her out to have the bottom done and a few other little things. It was great taking the boat on a four hour run and sitting on 18 knots. My wife is rapt in the internals (and so am I. They have it so modern and low maintenance compared with our 4588) – Trevor - Bayliner 4788 - Sydney Australia
Wow! This lease purchase was a marathon event that began in May of 2016 and didn’t end until September of 2016. It started with my quest for a new and more ideal boat. After having been in a Sea Ray 440 for 3 years I knew its limitations and wanted something different, and something that would better suit our needs. That led me to investigate pilothouse boats, which led me to Blake Davis’ website. This site has a lot of good information on it. Blake sold these boats when they were new and is very knowledgeable about them. He knows their strengths and weaknesses. Blake is an excellent communicator and knows how to use the web for that purpose. Very well designed web page. I was a prospect and called Blake out of the blue, not knowing him from anybody. He made me feel at ease from the start and offered to go look at the boat for me. From the very first time, he gave me an accurate assessment of the boat. Blake has a sharp eye and knows what a good boat looks like and which ones are a waste of time. He is very up to date on the market and values. He is honest and isn’t afraid to call a spade a spade, even if its not what you want to hear. So the boat “looked” good enough, but Blake told me she needed to be surveyed to find out what she’s really like. There were several clues that Blake (Colombo) knew about this boat (it had been grounded and damaged the rudder) that weren’t revealed by the listing agent. (Don’t ask me how he knows this stuff but he does.) Once those questions were asked they led us to other discrepancies, which led us to more unrevealed problems, making for a long, long purchase and many contract extensions while these issues were fixed. One may ask, why did you keep pursuing this boat? The simple answer is, without Blake I probably would not have. Talking to him I realized there just aren’t many pretty, well cared for, cosmetically clean boats of this kind left on the market. This one was, clean, pretty and structurally sound. It had many mechanical issues that if we could get the seller to fix, would make this a fine boat. The sellers were not the most cooperative and made this harder than it had to be. At one point, we felt as if all our efforts were lost. (The seller was not wanting to work with us on verification of repairs and we were not going to get this boat. The sellers didn’t want to extend our contract again.) After some phone calls by Blake and a few suggestions which I implemented, his phone rang at 9:30 p.m. on our last day of the contract, offering another extension. That’s impressive! But what impressed me more, was earlier that day Blake told me, “I just don’t think these guys are going to work with us, so I’m going to send you your deposit money.” That really impressed me! I didn’t even have to ask, he just said I’m going to send it back. Colorful writer and character that knows how to use words that give you a visual of what he is seeing and describing. Entertaining, and has a good eye for the quality things. You will enjoy meeting and working with him. Made me laugh more than once through this tortuous ordeal. It was worth it! I have a beautiful boat that made a Gulf of Mexico crossing from Tampa, Fl. to Biloxi, Ms., without any problems. That would not have been the case without Blake Davis – Walter Vaughan - Bayliner 5288 - Baton Rouge Louisiana